Logistics News with TELS GLOBAL

Export Growth from Belarus to the EU due to Export of Wood, Steel and Glass

During the first three months in 2016, road freight traffic from the Republic of Belarus to the countries of the European Union increased almost by 30% against the same period in the previous year, totaling 758 thousand tons.

Imports of Ukraine: Road Transportation Increase against the General Trade Deficit.

After a 2-year decrease in road transportation market between the EU and Ukraine, it has been steadily growing since the beginning of the current year. Within the first 3 months in 2016, the volume of goods imported by road from the European Union to Ukraine increased by 24.1%, up to 1,063 thousand tons, against the same period in the previous year.

The Federal Customs Service Is Reducing the Number of Customs Posts

On April 14, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation made a written order to customs authorities to decrease the number of places for customs procedures.

Kazakhstan’s Foreign Trade and Logistics Market Today and Tomorrow

Kazakhstan’s foreign trade market has been decreasing in the volume of exported and imported goods since 2014. For the year 2016, the International Monetary Fund predicts further considerable decrease in foreign trade with the following figures: -14% in the import of goods, -21% in the export of goods.

Consolidated Cargoes from Europe to Ukraine in 4 Days

To satisfy the needs of TELS’s clients for reducing the expenses associated with logistics, the company increases regular deliveries of consolidated cargoes from the European Union to Ukraine providing all the related services.

Land Transportation from China to the European Union Increased by 22%

Over the las three years imports from China to the European Union has been steadily increasing. In 2015, 59.4 million tons of cargoes were delivered from China to the European Union by all modes of transport, which is 4.2% more than in the year 2014 (the growth of import in 2014 made 10.6% against the year 2013).

New MEGA Opportunities for TELS Clients

During the first two months in 2016, TELS vehicle park increased by 20 new heavy vehicles: road trains with MEGA semitrailers, which enhance the advantages and ease for TELS clients. 

Crisis Apart, Reality in Figures

Considerable reduction of import goods transported from the European Union to the Russian Federation by road in 2015 concerned all the countries in the EU and almost all the types of goods making -32.3% as compared to the year 2014.

Project: 89 Shipments from France, Belgium and Poland to Belarus

In the period from August to December 2015 TELS Group of Companies carried out a project requiring shipment of special equipment for modernizing oil refinery in the Republic of Belarus.

Belarus Has Become an Important Member in New Logistic Schemes

Belarus keeps asserting itself as an important member in new logistic schemes of cargo transportation between Russian and the countries of the West and South-West.

Ukrainian Carriers Face Limitations All Around

The beginning of the year 2016 is marked by a number of unfavorable conditions for road carriers of Ukraine.

Mobile Heavy Machines Delivered from Belarus to Africa

In November 2015, TELS Oversized and Project Cargo Transportation Department delivered a fuel-servicing truck and an equipped mobile workshop from Belarus to one of the regions in Africa.

Cargo Transportation by Road from Poland to CIS-Countries over 10 Months in 2015

Poland has been confidently leading in transportation market between EU and CIS countries: over 10 months in 2015 Poland was second in exports to Russia (after Germany) and Belarus (after Lithuania) and first in exports to Ukraine and Kazakhstan (expressed in physical terms).

Positive Trend in road ransportation between Ukraine and EU

Export deliveries from Ukraine to EU expressed in physical terms exceeded imports in 2014. In 2015, this tendency reinforced making the difference between exports and imports even more striking.

Analysis and Estimates of Logistics Market According to RBK.Research

According to preliminary estimates for all types of transport in 2015 the decline to 87.2% of cargo transportation is predicted.

Forwarding an Exhibition Display from Toronto to Moscow

In the beginning of autumn 2015 TELS carried out a project which involved the delivery of an exhibition display from Canada to Russia and back.

Cargoes Imported by Road Transport from EU to Kazakhstan Increased by 11%

Automobile cargo transportation from EU to Kazakhstan during the first half of 2015 grew in supplies from Lithuania, Italy, Spain and France.

The flow of fruits and vegetables from EU to Customs Union has nearly reached prior-embargo level

The flow of fruits and vegetables from EU to Customs Union has nearly reached prior-embargo level. 1 071 K tones of fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables were imported to Belarus from EU countries in Jan – Jun 2015 (all transport modes).

TELS share on the logistic market is increasing

Comparative analysis of the own TELS statistics and Eurostat data demonstrates the growth of TELS share on the market of EU – CIS transportations.

Surprisingly high ratio of automotive freight-forwarding services from EU by Belarusian operators

According to eurostatica.com in May 2015 the market of freight-forwarding operations from the European Union to Belarus showed considerable growth.