Comprehensive transport logistics solutions

Great variety of logistics solutions and cargo delivery schemes

Long-term partnership

20 years of experience in international logistics

Sustainability and social responsibility


TELS GLOBAL - International Logistics Solutions

TELS GLOBAL is an international logistics provider offering comprehensive services in transportation and logistics industry by all modes of transport, including warehousing, insurance, financial and other related services.

TELS GLOBAL works across Europe and Asia, as well as on the main routes to/from America offering its customers quality, reliable and timely delivery of goods from anywhere in the world.

Flexibility of logistics solutions along with the development of various cargo delivery schemes ensures effective risk management and sustainability of supply chains in any circumstances.

Long-term partnership with customers and contractors is the highest value for TELS GLOBAL, which allows to reach the highest level of efficiency in business development for all the participants.

The drive for innovation development and comprehensive digital workspace makes TELS GLOBAL a convenient and transparent logistics partner with unlimited opportunities for increasing the efficiency of cooperation.
