Logistics News with TELS GLOBAL

Air Cargo Delivery in Peak Season: We Fly When Others Cannot

Permanent Customers of TELS Group of companies are always provided with cargo packages in any direction of air transportation. Based on the forecasted customer needs, our company reserves cargo volumes from air lines long before the peak season.

Vision of the Situation in the Market of Transport and Logistics Services in 2017

Experts from TELS Group of companies in a joint interview answered questions of the Russian media holding RBC about the vision of the situation in the market of transport and logistics services in 2017

Global Maritime Container Turnover Increased by Almost 6%

The aggregate container turnover of the world’s 150 largest ports increased by 5.8% over the period from January to March.

Schemes of Fast Groupage Cargo Transportations Offered by TELS

There are certain prejudices concerning groupage cargo transportations, such as longer delivery time and higher complexity as well as small cost savings, which do not make up for the specified disadvantages. These opinions are definitely untrue for TELS.

Demand for Container Transportation Is Increasing

According to professional expert community, global transport logistics will be getting more and more containerized. Figures for the year 2017 prove this trend.

Containers by Sea – Mega Players and Mega Ships

Consolidation of global container shippers and intercontinental ships continues in the global shipping industry.

Belarus Has Finally Signed EAEU Customs Code

On April 11, 2017, three months and a half after all the other EAEU members had signed the new Customs Code, the Republic of Belarus also signed this document.

What Are the Best Ways to Save Costs in Logistics?

Trends in economy force many businesses, logistics divisions to reduce expenses. TELS expert describes how TELS helps its clients accomplish the goal.

Toll Roads in Turkey – Pay to Leave or Stay

Obligatory payments for using highways and bridges have been collected since February 2017 from all the vehicles with foreign plates.

Road Logistics Market from Europe Growing

In 2016, road transportation market from the countries of the EU to the major countries of the Eurasian region (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan) grew by 1.7% against the year 2015, making 17,483 thousand tons (hereinafter according to the data taken from Eurostat).

CIS International Logistics Market. Will Tomorrow Be the Same as Yesterday or Even Harder?

The year 2016 is over, so it is high time to sum up what happened to the international road transport market across the Eurasian region and try to see what the new year shall bring. (The Eurasian region means the international logistics market between Europe and the CIS where Russia plays the most important part in the economic relations defining market conditions by its policy). The experts agree that the problems have been aggravating for the past three or four years, and this trend will most probably continue in 2017.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We are happy to congratulate you with the upcoming holidays and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Let the New Year be happy for you, your family and friends! We are looking forward to our beneficial cooperation and wish you good luck, prosperity and success in all your beginings in 2017! :) 

Sanctions Extended Until …?

On Thursday, December 15, the EU leaders agreed to extend economic sanctions against Russia for six more months, as declared at the press conference held by Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande in Brussels at the EU summit.

Road Freight Traffic to the Netherlands Decreased Export Transportations to the EU

The third quarter of the current year was marked by a substantial slowdown in road freight traffic from the Russian Federation to the countries of the European Union, especially after a considerable increase in the first 6 months of 2016 against the same period of the previous year (with +20%). As a result, the positive trend in the volume of cargoes exported from Russia to the EU over the first three quarters of 2016 decreased totaling +7% (up to 7.5 million tons).

Transportation of Lithium-Ion Batteries by Air Transport since April 2016. What Has Changed in Transportation Processes?

On April 1, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) banned transportation of commercial batches with accumulators (lithium-ion batteries) in cargo compartments of passenger aircrafts. At the same time, regulations applicable for the batteries carried by cargo aircrafts became more stringent.

Morning Does not Begin with Coffee

Actually, mornings usually begin with coffee, but not without TELS.

Import of Milk and Cream to Belarus Increased 7.6 Times

1,430 thousand tons of cargoes were transported by road from the countries of the European Union to the Republic of Belarus in the first six months of 2016, which is 15.3% less than in the same period of the previous year.

Considerable Increase of Road Freight Transportation between Ukraine and the EU

In 2016, there has been an increase of 20.3% in goods imported by road to Ukraine from the countries of the European Union and 6.9% in exports against the same period of the previous year.

Negative Dynamics for the Volume of Goods Imported from the EU to the CIS by Road is Decreasing Each Month

The dynamics for the total volume of goods imported from the European Union to the CIS countries by road in January-May 2016 against the same period in the previous year remains negative; however, the decline rates are decreasing each month.

Export of Oilseeds Reallocated from Kazakhstan to Poland

During January-April of 2016, exports from Kazakhstan to the countries of the European Union by road grew by 6.08% against the same period of the previous year, totaling 48.2 thousand tons.