Logistics News with TELS GLOBAL
Analysis and Estimates of Logistics Market According to RBK.Research
According to preliminary estimates for all types of transport in 2015 the decline to 87.2% of cargo transportation is predicted.
Forwarding an Exhibition Display from Toronto to Moscow
In the beginning of autumn 2015 TELS carried out a project which involved the delivery of an exhibition display from Canada to Russia and back.
Cargoes Imported by Road Transport from EU to Kazakhstan Increased by 11%
Automobile cargo transportation from EU to Kazakhstan during the first half of 2015 grew in supplies from Lithuania, Italy, Spain and France.
The flow of fruits and vegetables from EU to Customs Union has nearly reached prior-embargo level
The flow of fruits and vegetables from EU to Customs Union has nearly reached prior-embargo level. 1 071 K tones of fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables were imported to Belarus from EU countries in Jan – Jun 2015 (all transport modes).
TELS share on the logistic market is increasing
Comparative analysis of the own TELS statistics and Eurostat data demonstrates the growth of TELS share on the market of EU – CIS transportations.
Surprisingly high ratio of automotive freight-forwarding services from EU by Belarusian operators
According to eurostatica.com in May 2015 the market of freight-forwarding operations from the European Union to Belarus showed considerable growth.
TELS Office in Great Britain increases its volumes of transportations from GB to EU and CIS countries
As a result of operating structure expanding of TELS UK office there is a growth in the quantity of transportations between Great Britain and other countries, especially the countries where TELS offices are situated.
Export RU-EU road transportations, from “plus” to “minus”
In April 2015 the annual dynamics of export road transportations from RU to EU gets negative (for the first time for the period starting from Jan 2014).
TELS increases the freight opportunities on the EU-KZ market
The specificity of these transportations imply to high-standard fleet requirements.
TELS optimizes groupage deliveries from Europe
Organizational and technological modernization allows to speed up the goods' collection, consolidation and delivery processes from EU to CIS countries.
New TELS unit: Department of Great Britain and Ireland
Principal mission of new department is organization of cargo transportations ex Great Britain and Ireland to CIS countries. New department will raise the quality of services to clients from CIS countries, as well as it will facilitate interactions with British and Irish companies.
TELS truck fleet totals 170 units of heavy trucks and low-tonnage trucks
TELS keeps its confident progress on despite common unfavorable economic conditions in the world. Own fleet amplification serves as an indicator of company’s successful growth.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Dear Partners and Colleagues! TELS wishes You Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Project cargo transportation by simultaneous employment of 28 trucks
In October 2014 TELS has performed a transportation of complicated project cargo from Italy and Czech Republic to Russian Federation. It has been the transportation of metalware production line.
TELS: enhancement of project cargo transportation facilities
For the purpose of production capability strengthening and customer support quality upgrade, a new structural unit – Project Transportations Sector - has been developed out of former TELS Project and Oversized Cargo Transportation Department.
During the year MAN supplied TELS with 50 units of heavy-duty trucks
Acquisition of new heavy-duty vehicles is going on within the expansion and renovation of TELS own fleet.
Transportation of several kinds of oversized cargo in TELS is actually on continuing basis...
At international lines, the largest share of heavy-weight, oversized and project cargoes delivery TELS implements from Germany, Poland, Lithuania and Hungary, actively develops oversized cargo transportation throughout Russia and CIS.
New TELS service: cargo delivery from the port of St. Petersburg and Ust-Luga by railway transport
In May 2014 TELS range of services has been expanded with delivery of goods to the Russian Federation from the Big Port of St. Petersburg and Ust-Luga port using railway transport.
New truck tractors MAN and curtain-sided semitrailers Schmitz replenished TELS own fleet
TELS has obtained new batch of heavy-duty trucks (6 couplings) in February 2014 within the Program of Own Fleet Renewal: truck tractors MAN TGX 18.440 with automatic gearbox, meet EURO 5 ecological standard; curtain-sided semitrailers Schmitz SCS 24/L, support of loading from 3 sides and from above; semitrailers are certified with EN 12642 XL cargo fastening standard (high cargo fastening system characteristics).
New line of groupage cargo delivery to Ural and Volga regions
TELS announces new line establishment that will serve groupage cargo delivery by road transport from Europe to Russian Federation regions of Ural and Volga.