According to the reports by the Federal Logistics and Mobility Office (BALM) and Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), truck traffic on the federal toll roads dipped again month-on-month.
The truck toll mileage index calculated and published by BALM and Destatis traces the development of the mileage covered by trucks with four or more axles that are subject to tolls on the federal motorways.
In June, the truck toll mileage index was 0.1% lower than in May. Two federal offices also report that, on a calendar adjusted basis, the truck toll mileage index was 0.8% lower than in June 2023.
According to BALM, truck mileage on motorways provides early information on the current economic development in the industry since economic activity generates and requires transport services. Since the mileage index is available about one month earlier than the production index, it may be used as an early indicator for the economic trend.