Our partners – transport companies – highly appreciate TELS services quality and competitiveness of cooperation terms. That are results received during regular monitoring of partners’ satisfaction and loyalty in November-December 2011
Implementation of partner’s satisfaction survey is a well-known marketing instrument today, which is permanently used by advanced logistic companies for the purpose of service quality assessment. TELS carries out such surveys annually.
Survey carried out with the use of SERQUAL let TELS know, how our Customers and Partners evaluate the company and its services in section of main quality indicators as well as detect their unmet needs. The results allow us watch changes of perceived quality of company’s operation and develop new approaches of client policy.
During 2011 survey 468 transport companies of Russia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova and other countries were questioned.
Considerable increase of partner’s common satisfaction indicator was shown up to the survey. Quality index comprised 0.08 pt. (it’s ideally when final quality Index is either zero or more than zero), what means, that in whole TELS services quality exceeds expected level. “Perception Index” of TELS operation quality appeared to be 5.5 pt. higher than last year’s one and 0.8 pt. higher than “waiting index” – level of required quality.
“High level of management”
“Qualitative route and carriage’s nuances workup”
“Experience of joint business”
High assessment has been given to major service’s components:
“Timely and precise submission of documents”
“Employee’s professionalism and competence”
“Individual approach (taking into account carrier’s needs)”
“Atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding with company’s employees”
It means that employee’s professionalism and management of processes system exceed our partner’s expectations.
TELS is going to carry out measurements aimed to keep up growth of our transport companies’ satisfaction with our cooperation based on the survey’s results. Such programs, developed on base of last years’ surveys, pay off. This cause improvement of basic loyalty and satisfaction indicators yearly.
We thank our partners, who participated in the survey – we’re improving ourselves with Your help!