On the market of cargo transportation from China, a number of circumstances arise that must be taken into account when planning logistics operations.
In May 2024, Chinese railways unilaterally increased tariffs for transportation within China by an average of 10%. In turn, sea operators announce an increase in their tariffs for delivery from Asia to Europe by an average of 20%, citing an increase in delivery time and costs due to the actual blockade of the Suez Canal.
A significant increase in cargo flows from China has led to a lack of free space on container trains for a month ahead. At the same time, an increase in the cost of container rental is recorded against their deficit in the export direction from China.
This complex of circumstances will lead to a noticeable increase in the cost of delivering goods from China by railway and sea transport, which, in turn, will stimulate the redirection of cargo flows to road transport with an expected increase in the cost of this type of transportation.
TELS GLOBAL monitors the situation and implements a set of measures to fulfill its obligations. In case of insurmountable difficulties with sending goods by multimodal routes, we are ready to offer alternative options for delivering goods from China by road transport.