EU to invest in environmentally friendly transport projects

The European Commission has selected 134 projects in the transport sector to receive EUR 7 billion under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

Around 83 percent of the investment will go to projects that contribute to the European Union's climate goals. The programme aims to upgrade the EU's rail network, inland waterways, and sea shipping routes of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

EUR 5.6 billion has been allocated to rail projects, which represents 80 percent of the amount committed to transport projects. Major projects are financed to improve international rail services in the Baltic States, between France and Italy (Lyon to Torino), and between Denmark and Germany (Fehmarn Belt Tunnel).

Inland ports in Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands are supported to further develop the European network of rivers and canals for sustainable transport.

As part of the development of the Single European Sky, the European Commission is also funding projects to improve the efficiency and safety of air transport.
