The main distinctive feature of TELS at market of cargo shipping is a firm line of services optimization. Thereto the company carries out:
Monthly updating of freight rates and delivery terms of all shipping lines and constant breakdown of possible cargo delivery schemes with the use of different shipping lines;
Individual planning of optimal delivery scheme for each order;
Operation with wide range of ports: present day majority of our cargoes go via ports of Riga, Klaipeda, Kotka; cooperation is established with ports of Novorossiysk and St. Petersburg; relations are being developed with ports of Vladivostok and Kaliningrad.
We offer best prices to our Customers based on high volumes and TELS long-term cooperation with largest shipping lines.
In addition to advantages pointed above we can mention the following:
groupage carriages with the use of containers;
Operation of agent in China;
Organization of door-to-door delivery;
Full range of logistics services.
Any Client will be promptly offered with transportation scheme for competitive price, optimized for particular order.