Social Responsibility with TELS GLOBAL

The company’s social policy has two directions: 
  • Ensuring sustainable and prosperous future for our staff and their families; 
  • Responsibility to the society for the impact of the company’s activities. 
We strive to provide our employees with labor and leisure conditions that encourage them to work efficiently and achieve personal goals.

TELS GLOBAL team consists of high-class specialists, responsible and proactive employees who are constantly improving their professional skills. To provide the opportunities for meeting these requirements, TELS GLOBAL creates the following conditions for the employees’ professional and personal growth:

  • All employees regularly attend special trainings at our in-house Corporate Education Center. 
  • Ongoing company development stimulates leadership qualities and provides real opportunities for professional and career growth.  
  • Employees’ professionalism is supported by TELS GLOBAL managers’ training at the world’s leading business schools. 

The company encourages the employees’ active recreation, sports activities and cultural events. The company’s corporate life is rich with various events fostering informal communication between employees and creating friendly atmosphere for effective work and leisure times. 
For TELS GLOBAL, social responsibility is not only the highest service quality but also full awareness of the company’s impact on the environment and society.

We treat our partners, business community and the society with the ultimate respect of our mutual interests.

TELS GLOBALaims at preserving the ecological balance for future generations alongside with environmental protection. For TELS GLOBAL it means the following:

  • Maintaining the ecological management system based on ISO 14001. 
  • Reducing the consumption of natural resources, provision of effective and safe waste recycling activities. 
  • Employing only highly ecological trucks. 
  • Preferring those contractors who meet ecological standards. 
  • Increasing the level of our employees’ ecological awareness, creating the system of risk assessment and prevention of potentially dangerous situations while transportation